The contents of the book include...
This book unfolds a profound exploration of the sanctity of Masjid al-Aqsa through an insightful commentary on ten selected verses from the Qur’an coupled with forty meticulously chosen ahadith that illuminate the virtues surrounding Masjid al-Aqsa and its surroundings.
Guided Journey
Curated Ahadith
Verse-by-Verse Commentary
Rich Tapestry of Insights
Invaluable Resource
Our Publications
What readers have to say...
We're grateful to our readers, below is what they have to say about the book!
Celestial Radiance by the brilliant Mufti Ismail Moosa Sahib is a must read for every Muslim household!
Forty virtues of Masjid al-Aqsa and its surroundings explained in short chapters that are a pleasure to read, written in beautiful poetic language by the fountain of knowledge that Mufti Ismail Moosa Sahib is, this book is a great way to educate ourselves and our children about our very own Muslim history and heritage, and the immense importance of Masjid al-Aqsa.
Makes a great Ramadan / Eid gift!
Selma Heinig
Excellent and beautifully written book. This book is more than a commantary. A short yet comprehensive and deep insight into the history and celestial radiance of Masjid-ul-Aqsa